Acupuncture Physician, Neuromuscular Reintegration Therapist
After high school, I earned an Associate's Degree in Physical Therapy; but life took me in a different direction; and I spent the next 12 years of my life working as a personal assistant to the CEO of a television company. Upon his untimely passing, I was faced with the task of finding a new career. Turning my attention back to health, I decided to become a licensed massage therapist.
Working on people through bodywork made me want to help at a deeper level. It was this desire which lead me to Oriental Medicine. In 2008, I started studying Traditional Chinese Medicine at Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine. Realizing I wanted to learn more about the Mind, Body, Spirit connection of this medicine, I completed my education at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture earning a Master's Degree in Acupuncture and a certification in Chinese Herbal Studies.
Since then, I have worked with Academy for Five Element Acupuncture assisting with clinical supervision and point location. I have also created and managed Points of Wellness Acupuncture here in Gainesville, FL. In early 2014, Melissa L. Feigel and I joined forces to build our dream, BODIES IN BALANCE ACUPUNCTURE.
Acupuncture Physician
In my 22 year career in acupuncture, and over 30 years of experience in structural integration massage therapy, I have developed a focus on injury recovery, post surgical recovery, scar management and assisting people in making significant improvements with chronic issues and their health. The powerful effects of acupuncture, coupled with my background in deep tissue work, has allowed me to assist patients in resetting and improving chronic pain patterns and postural issues, as well as helping relieve discomfort due to surgical scarring. I have a passion for collaborating with patients going through cancer therapy, and I've had extensive training in the use of food therapy, nutrition supplementation, and acupuncture to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
I am passionate and empathetic about my patients' well-being and their journey to wellness. After 30 years of independent practice, I am excited to be joining the Bodies In Balance Acupuncture team!